The Importance of Aromatherapy Education
Would you purchase a lock without the key?
If not, then why purchase essential oils without having the knowledge in their use? Whether you are a new to aromatherapy and starting out with a commonly used essential oil such as lavender or have been faithfully collecting multitudes of bottled aromatics, it is important to know what is inside of each bottle and how its ingredients can be used safely and effectively. Getting to know an essential oil one at a time is a great starting point. Learn about its botanical heritage and history, its unique chemistry, applications and uses and how did it even get into the pretty bottle in the first place. When and who would you use this essential with and what happens if its use causes an individual to have a reaction such as coughing or itchiness. Where to store these precious scents and when is it time to replace with a fresh bottle. Is the essential oil safe to use with everyone in the household, including beloved pets? What does one do if a pet also experienced a reaction and so on?
The importance of education should be considered at the top of the list, not as an afterthought or at the bottom of the totem pole. The investment spent on essential oils can quickly add up and then one is left to wonder, how do I use them and with who. While the use of social media and the internet can provide some basic information, more than often, unfortunately, the information is incomplete, unsafe or based on regurgitated marketing hype to promote more sales. Added to the mix, is how the use of essential oils with humans is applied to use with animals without any background or education in the essential oil components and their safety cautions/contraindications. This is putting the cart before the horse (pun intended) (or worse, a cart without safe wheels) and can lead to the misuse of essential oils with both humans and their animal friends. Issues such as sensitization (becoming sensitized to an essential oil and or its components that it is now no longer usable without causing a reaction), irritation to both skin and mucous membranes, and even dermal burns and allergic reactions may occur if essential oils are not used properly and with specific knowledge in regards to their use and common sense awareness for who they can and should not be used with.
Acquiring knowledge and training in the safe use of essential oils via a course with a strong foundational program should go hand-and-hand with the use of essential oils. Much like the wheel of a cart, its spokes are there to make it function. Look at the individual spokes as part of the whole wheel-education, essential oils, safety and so on. Even if one is not interested in certification advanced courses, a foundation course is a wise investment for both yourself and your family and empowers the individual to get to know the essential oils on a deeper level while at the same time saving on the cost of purchasing essential oils and building an aromatherapy toolbox based on the individual’s needs.
Education is a spoke on a wheel (of knowledge) which ensures that the wheel comes full circle, without strong spokes the wheel is unable to complete the journey -Kelly Holland Azzaro